SYDNEY, Sept 26 (Askume) – New Zealand and Australian naval ships passed through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, according to a statement released by New Zealand Defence Minister Judith Collins on Thursday.

The two ships passed through the sensitive strait at 2pm local time on Wednesday, which Collins described as a routine activity in compliance with international law.

“The New Zealand Defence Force conducts all activities in accordance with international law and best practice,” he said.

This is the first time since 2017 that a New Zealand naval ship has passed through the strait, he said in a statement.

A Japanese newspaper earlier reported that the two ships had merged with the Japan Self-Defense Force destroyer Sasaha .

Collins’ statement only mentioned New Zealand and Australia.

Australia’s Defence Department confirmed the transit, saying it was routine and said it reflected the country’s commitment to an open, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific.

China claims democratic rule over Taiwan and says only China exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the Taiwan Strait. Both the United States and Taiwan call the strait an international waterway, a major trade route through which about half of the world’s container ships pass.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said China has always treated foreign warships in the strait in accordance with the law.

“We will remain highly vigilant against any behaviour that threatens China’s sovereignty and security,” Lin Jian said at a regular press conference.

US warships transit the strait every two months, much to the anger of Beijing, and some US allies such as Canada and Britain also make occasional transits.

China has never renounced the use of force to control Taiwan and has increased military activities around Taiwan, including war drills, over the past five years.

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asia-pacific, world,

Last Update: September 27, 2024

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