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5 Expert Secrets Doctors Use to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

old and flu season brings a wave of respiratory illnesses that can easily spread in close spaces, especially during colder months. Doctors, however, follow specific preventive measures to stay healthy during this season. Let’s take a look at the top five things physicians avoid to protect themselves and others:

  1. They Never Skip the Flu Shot:
    Getting the flu vaccine each year is a priority for doctors. It significantly reduces the risk of severe flu complications and provides valuable protection during the season. Experts recommend that everyone over 6 months of age get vaccinated annually.

  2. They Don’t Go to Work or Public Spaces When Sick:
    Doctors understand the importance of staying home when unwell to avoid spreading illness. Respiratory viruses spread through droplets and surfaces, so staying isolated when symptoms arise is crucial for everyone’s safety.

  3. They Don’t Step Out Without a Mask When Sick:
    In cases where they must go out, doctors always wear high-quality masks such as N95s or KN95s. Masks help contain respiratory droplets released when coughing or sneezing, protecting those around them.

  4. They Never Ignore Hand Hygiene:
    Doctors consistently wash their hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizers when soap isn’t available. Proper hand hygiene significantly reduces the chance of catching or spreading germs.

  5. They Don’t Stick to a Busy Routine When Sick:
    Resting is essential when fighting off illness. Sleep helps the body recover faster and boosts the immune response. Ignoring the need for rest can prolong sickness and weaken the body’s defenses.

By following these simple but crucial practices, doctors set a great example for staying healthy during the cold and flu season.