Vivienne Crowley is a Wiccan, psychologist and spiritual teacher whose books offer practical advice on how to harness the energy of the natural world. Here’s her guide to marking and making the most of the autumn equinox on September 22.

The autumn equinox is the time of year when the hours of daylight and darkness are exactly equal, and occurs around September 22. It’s the time when our engagement shifts from the outer world to the inner world—just as spring energizes the body, autumn energizes our minds, emotions, and spirits. It can be a time of significant change, intellectual curiosity, and creative awakening. Here’s how to make the most of the powerful energy of this year’s spring equinox.

Embrace yourself with nature

Around the autumn equinox, the leaves begin to turn and fall, and the outlines of branches become visible again. Birds migrate, swallows begin their journey towards Africa, and geese fly from the Arctic to Europe for the winter. Mushrooms sprout up and flowers are replaced by nuts and berries. Visit a garden, local park or woodland and pay attention to any signs of change around you. Then, see what you can find to take home and create a decorative seasonal display: pebbles, berry-laden branches, chestnuts… Place your treasures on a surface with two candles – a dark one on the left, at the root, and a light one on the right.

enjoy the harvest feast

September is a season that calls for warmth and nourishment, making it a great time to invite friends together for a wonderful autumn meal. Start with a rich mushroom soup with hearty bread, then enjoy a main course of seasonal game or roasted nuts, and finish with blackberry apple crisp and prune wine.

Physical and Metaphorical Clutter

When we get rid of clutter, we release trapped energy and create mental space for growth. Go through your closets and remove anything you don’t need; put away your summer wardrobe or donate anything you haven’t worn this year. From a psychological perspective, this is also a time to let go of the past. Are there people or patterns in your life that no longer serve you? You can let them fall away just as a tree sheds its withering leaves.

Deepen your knowledge

Use the long period of darkness to enrich yourself culturally and spiritually. Studying during this period is much easier than in the summer, when sunlight naturally draws us outside. Follow your curiosity and feed your mind, whether that means learning a language, memorizing your history, or playing an instrument.

Make some fall magic

Take a leafy branch and a pair of scissors or secateurs. Gently cut the leaves off one by one and put them over a fire or in a bowl of water with a handful of salt, which is a good disinfectant. Each time you make a cut, name what you want to release – the pain of divorce or layoff, guilt, anger, sadness. Whatever it is, let its energy move away from you with the leaf. You are returning this energy to the elements so it can be broken up and released. Now that you have let go of things you no longer need, ask yourself: What’s next? Seek guidance from a good astrologer or tarot card reader.

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Last Update: September 22, 2024

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