LIVERPOOL, England, Sept 22 (Askume) – British Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said on Sunday the government will introduce new legislation next month aimed at giving workers more rights.

The government is trying to strike a balance between the demands of unions and business leaders.

The Employment Rights Bill will include measures such as a ban on zero-hours contracts, as around one million people in the UK have employment contracts that do not set minimum hours and are only paid according to the shift. Strategy.

The Department of Labour has also committed to providing protection for parental leave, sick leave and unfair dismissal from the first day of employment, but the probation period will continue.

“We will go ahead with this bill next month,” Rayner told the BBC. “People will see better workers’ rights, the best workers’ rights in a generation.”

The government has promised to enact the law within 100 days of July’s national elections. Some businesses said they were still unclear about the government’s plans.

Rayner was speaking at the start of the Labour Party’s annual conference in the northern English city of Liverpool .

Earlier this week, Raynor and business secretary Jonathan Reynolds met with businesses and unions to discuss ways to end zero-hours contracts. The discussions follow Labour’s pledge to end “one-sided” flexibility in such contracts and ensure workers are properly informed of any changes to shifts.

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Last Update: September 22, 2024

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