WASHINGTON, Sept 22 (Askume) – President Joe Biden said on Sunday that stricter background checks had prevented thousands of gun sales last year to people under 21 and those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence and created a new office to accelerate gun violence prevention efforts .

      The White House said murders fell 17% during that period, the largest drop in homicides so far in 2023. Data from the Gun Violence Archive shows mass shootings in 2024 are also down 20% from a year earlier and will reach the lowest level since 2019, the report said.

      Under the bipartisan Safe Communities Act, which Biden signed into law in June 2022, the FBI conducted more than 300,000 enhanced background checks on individuals under the age of 21. The White House said it has rejected more than 3,500 transactions, including nearly 900 that were blocked because of background checks. Background checks on people convicted of domestic violence have prevented more than 4,600 sales so far this year.

      Stephanie Feldman, who heads the new office, said the development reflects a comprehensive effort that has included dozens of executive actions since Biden took office, increased collaboration among federal agencies and closer work with state and local governments, and changes to existing laws and policies, including increased funding for the implementation of health programs.

      He told Askume that Biden, the Democratic candidate in the November 5 presidential election, and Vice President Kamala Harris would announce more executive actions soon.

      Feldman declined to provide any details, but said the move involves some “completely new thinking” that needs to be worked out before Biden leaves office in January.

      Since taking office in 2021, gun safety has been a focus for Biden and Harris, both of whom are gun owners .

      The US surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis in June and called for more research funding, better mental health services and other measures such as safe storage.

      Democrats tend to support stricter gun laws to reduce deaths from gun violence, while Republicans generally oppose stricter laws, citing the right to bear arms enshrined in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

      Despite partisan differences, Feldman said his office has worked well with Republican state and local elected officials and 17 states have passed laws to combat gun violence.

      The office also works with non-elected officials, including health care providers and officials, law enforcement, and community leaders, some of whom identify themselves as Republicans but are committed to reducing gun violence.

      “The further you get from Washington, the less political this issue becomes,” he said. “Everybody wants their kids to come home from school safe. Everybody wants their kids to go play in the neighborhood and be safe.”

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      Last Update: September 22, 2024