MOSCOW, Sept 9 (Askume) – When asked on Monday about a Wall Street Journal report that Iran had launched short-range ballistic missiles against Russia, the Kremlin said Iran is Russia’s partner and the two countries are in dialogue in various areas.

The Wall Street Journal quoted unnamed US and European officials as saying that Iran had launched short-range ballistic missiles at Russia.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had seen the reports but that not all such reports were accurate.

“Iran is an important partner for us, we are developing our trade and economic relations, we are developing our cooperation and dialogue in all possible areas, including the most sensitive areas,” Peskov told reporters.

Tehran and Moscow have grown closer since Russia sent thousands of troops to Ukraine in February 2022 and Iran provided Shahid drones to the Russian military.

Senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander Fazlollah Nozari said on Monday that reports of Iran transferring missiles to Russia were “psychological warfare”, state media reported .

The United States said on Friday that Iran’s transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia would mark a dramatic escalation in the war in Ukraine.

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Last Update: September 10, 2024

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