Askume BEIJING, Sept 9 – President Xi Jinping told Norwegian Prime Minister Staur in Beijing on Monday that China is keen to promote “friendly” cooperation with Norway, including on green energy.

According to Chinese state broadcaster CCTV, Xi Jinping stressed that the two countries can strengthen cooperation in areas such as environmental protection, energy transition, shipping, agricultural and fishery products and electric vehicles.

Regarding the Ukraine crisis, Xi Jinping told Storch that he hopes all parties will work hard to create “favourable” conditions for a political solution through negotiations, according to CCTV.

“At present, the world is undergoing rapid and unprecedented changes, which is testing whether the international community can make correct choices. China will continue to follow the path of peaceful development,” Xi Jinping said, according to CCTV.

The Norwegian Prime Minister said the two leaders discussed climate and sustainable development policies, as well as trade and human rights.

“What China is doing is vital to the green transition taking place around the world,” Stoyer said in a statement.

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Last Update: September 10, 2024