WASHINGTON, Sept 11 (Askume) – U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris said on Wednesday the killing of an American activist by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank was “unacceptable” and said Israel must do more to ensure such an attempt never happens again.

Israel has claimed responsibility for the death of 26-year-old Esenur Ezgi Ezi, who was killed while taking part in a protest against settlement expansion in the West Bank. Biden said the US government wants to know about a criminal investigation into the shooting.

“There must be full accountability. Israel must do more to ensure this never happens again,” Biden said in a statement.

In a separate statement, Harris said no one should be killed for participating in a peaceful protest.

“The exchange of fire that led to his death is unacceptable and raises legitimate questions about the conduct of IDF personnel in the West Bank,” he said.

Egi, a Turkish citizen, was shot dead during a protest march in Beitar on Friday. Israel said his death was accidental.

Israel has occupied the West Bank since the 1967 Mideast war, and Palestinians hope the area will become the core of a future independent state. Israel has built numerous settlements there, which most countries consider illegal. Israel rejects this claim, citing historical and biblical ties to the region.

In July this year, the International Court had said that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian areas and settlements is illegal and it should end as soon as possible.

Iggy’s relatives have urged Biden and Harris to speak to the family directly and order an independent investigation into his firing.

Describing his death as an accident, the family said, “Participation in the Israeli military’s agenda to occupy Palestinian land and cover up the murder of an American… Let’s be clear, an American citizen was killed in a targeted attack by foreign forces,” the family said in a statement. statement.

Democratic U.S. Senator Patty Murray and Representative Pramila Jayapal sent a letter to Biden on Wednesday demanding an “immediate, transparent, credible, and thorough” independent U.S. investigation.

Biden also condemned the ongoing violence in the West Bank by “extremist Israeli settlers” and “Palestinian terrorists”, a day after senior US officials called for an overhaul of Israel’s military conduct in the occupied West Bank

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Last Update: September 12, 2024