QUETTA, Sept 12 (Askume) – A police officer in southern Pakistan killed a man he had detained on suspicion of blasphemy, police said on Thursday.

Mohammad Baloch, senior superintendent of police in Quetta, the capital of southwestern Baluchistan province, said the police officer accused of the killing had been arrested.

The unnamed officer entered a police station where a man accused of blasphemy was being held, pretended to be his relative, and shot him.

The man accused of blasphemy was detained earlier this week and taken to a high-security station as a large crowd gathered demanding that he be handed over to them.

Blasphemy in Pakistan is punishable by death. The state has not executed anyone for it, but several defendants have been beaten to death by angry mobs.

Blasphemy allegations led to mob attacks on Christian communities in eastern Punjab province last year , displacing hundreds of people.

In June, another thug beat up a man in northern Pakistan after accusing him of burning pages of the Quran.

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Last Update: September 12, 2024

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