IPSWITCH, UK, Sept 12 (Askume) – Britain’s BT (BTL.L) said its network is receiving “2,000 signals of potential cyber attacks every second as criminals exploit existing barriers and security measures”.

Digital surveillance activity by hackers using malicious scanning “bots” surged by 1,200% in July compared with the same period last year, a telecoms group said on Thursday.

BT also said hackers were targeting the retail, education and hospitality industries, as well as defence and financial services, which are their traditional hunting areas.

Tris Morgan, general manager of security at BT, said: “Our data shows that hackers are checking connected devices every 90 seconds, looking for ways to break in.”

BT released the data at its “Secure Tomorrow” cybersecurity event, demonstrating its quantum secure communications and artificial intelligence cyber defence capabilities.

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cybersecurity, technology,

Last Update: September 12, 2024

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