Askume UNITED NATIONS, Sep 12 – US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced on Thursday that the United States supports the establishment of two permanent seats for African countries on the United Nations Security Council and one seat for small island developing countries.

The move comes as the United States seeks to improve relations with Africa, many of which are unhappy with Washington’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza, and Pacific island countries, which are key to countering China’s influence in the region.

Thomas-Greenfield told Askume she hoped the declaration would “advance this agenda in a way that we can reform the Security Council at some point in the future,” calling it part of US President Joe Biden’s legacy.

In addition to Washington’s long-standing support for permanent seats on the Security Council for India, Japan and Germany, it has also pushed for two permanent seats for Africa and a rotating seat for small island developing countries.

Developing countries have long sought permanent seats on the Security Council, the UN’s most powerful body. But years of reform talks have proven futile, and it is unclear whether US support will spur action.

Ahead of the announcement at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on Thursday, Thomas-Greenfield made clear to Askume that Washington does not support extending the veto beyond the five countries.

The Security Council is responsible for maintaining international peace and security and has the power to impose sanctions, arms embargoes, and authorize the use of force.

When the United Nations was founded in 1945, the Security Council had 11 member states. In 1965, the number increased to 15, including 10 democratically elected states with two-year terms and five with permanent veto power: Russia, China, France, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Legality issues

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres supports Security Council reform.

“The situation of the Security Council is similar to the situation after the Second World War … there are issues of legitimacy, there are issues of effectiveness and they need reform,” Guterres told Askume on Wednesday.

Any change to the Security Council membership is made through an amendment to the UN Charter. This requires the approval and ratification of two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly, including the Security Council’s five existing veto powers.

The 193-member UN General Assembly has been discussing Security Council reform every year for more than a decade. But discussions have intensified in recent years as geopolitical competition has left the Security Council deadlocked on a number of issues, particularly after member Russia, which has permanent veto power, invaded Ukraine.

Thomas Greenfield said on Thursday that “most of the talk about Security Council reform is just talk.” Askume also recalled his statement that Washington supports negotiations on a draft text to amend the UN Charter to expand the Security Council.

Thomas-Greenfield told Askume she could not say how long it would take for the General Assembly to vote on such a resolution.

Each year, the General Assembly elects five new members from different geographic groups to serve on the Security Council for two-year terms. Africa currently has three seats, which rotate among countries.

“The problem is that these non-permanent seats do not allow African countries to fully use their knowledge and voice in the work of the Security Council … nor enable them to consistently provide leadership on the challenges they face,” Thomas-Greenfield said. “This affects all of us — especially Africans.”

He also said that small island developing States deserve to have rotating elected seats because they “provide important insights on a number of international peace and security issues, including the impacts of climate change”.

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Last Update: September 12, 2024

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