BEIJING, Sept 13 (Askume) – China will expand military ties with its neighbours, its defence minister said on Friday, saying major powers should take a leading role in maintaining global security.

Dong Jun made the remarks during a keynote speech at the Xiangshan Forum, China’s biggest annual military and diplomatic event in Beijing.

“Major countries should play a leading role in maintaining global security, abandon zero-sum thinking and avoid bullying the weak,” Dong said.

He said that in a multipolar world, “no one can be an outsider or a spectator.”

“Countries, big or small, developed or developing, should have the right to participate in international affairs on an equal footing, express their demands and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests,” Dong said.

Dong’s comments come as communications between U.S. and Chinese militaries have become increasingly easier, despite Washington’s concerns over the South China Sea, Taiwan and Beijing’s close ties with Russia.

Dong delivered the speech to representatives from 90 countries and international organizations at the three-day forum that ended on Saturday.

Dong said China will promote military ties with regional countries and “deepen and expand military ties with all developing countries.”

“We should strengthen open and solid military cooperation; we should expand personnel exchanges at all levels,” he said.

The US was represented by Michael Chase, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China, Taiwan, and Mongolia.

Despite being embroiled in long-standing territorial disputes in East Asia, China is keen to play a responsible role in global conflicts. The theme of this forum is “Promoting Peace and Building a Shared Future”.

Dong is responsible for China’s military diplomacy but is not a member of the Central Military Commission, China’s top command body.

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Last Update: September 13, 2024

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