BEIJING, Sept 13 (Askume) – Chinese and Russian defence officials took aim at Western countries at a military diplomacy forum held in Beijing on Friday, with China drawing attention to the global south while Russia said the United States was shifting military conflicts to the Asia-Pacific region.

In his wide-ranging speech at the annual Xiangshan Forum, Chinese Defence Minister Dong Jun said China will enhance military ties with its neighbours and especially developing countries.

“Big countries should play a leading role in safeguarding global security, abandon a zero-sum mentality and refrain from bullying smaller and weaker ones,” Dong said, in an apparent criticism of the US. He declined to be named.

He said that in a “multipolar” world “no one can remain an outsider or a spectator.”

“Countries, whether big or small, developed or developing, should have equal rights to participate in international affairs, voice their needs and uphold their legitimate rights and interests,” Dong said.

Dong’s comments come as communications between the U.S. and Chinese militaries are improving despite Washington’s concerns over Beijing’s close ties with Russia amid rising tensions over the South China Sea, Taiwan and the country’s 30-month invasion of Ukraine.

Dong made the remarks before representatives from 90 countries and international organizations at a three-day forum that ends on Saturday.

He said that to resolve regional tensions, regional countries must “draw strength through unity and rely on themselves to ensure their own peace”.

“We should abandon arrogance and prejudice, never interfere in other countries’ internal affairs, never violate other countries’ rights and interests,” Dong said.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin said more explicitly in his speech that the United States is trying to contain China and Russia while preparing for war in Asia by creating new security blocs.

“Russia and China support the building of a just, multipolar world order based on equality and mutual respect,” he said.

“In order to create conditions to force Russia to negotiate on the basis of Kiev’s formula, NATO countries are planning to send troops to Ukraine,” he said. “This is a dangerous game that could lead to a direct conflict between nuclear powers.”

NATO has repeatedly said it has no plans to send troops to Ukraine.

Fomin’s rhetoric stood in contrast to Dong’s view of Beijing as a responsible international crisis mediator.

Despite being embroiled in long-running territorial disputes in East Asia, China is keen to promote itself as a responsible player in global conflicts. The theme of this year’s forum is “Promoting Peace for a Shared Future.”

Some diplomats and analysts are closely watching the summit for signs of further progress in military ties between the United States and China.

The US is represented by Michael Chase, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China, Taiwan and Mongolia.

The Pentagon said Chase will lead a US delegation for talks with Chinese military counterparts following the forum – building on the Defense Coordination Dialogue in Hawaii, which resumed in January for the first time since September 2021.

Although some regional countries have sent defence ministers to the forum, Western countries usually send lower-level delegations, preferring the long-running annual Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore to discuss key security issues.

The forum comes after US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s commanding Central Military Commission, in Beijing last month and the first-ever conference call between US and Chinese theatre-level commanders this week.

Speaking on the sidelines of the forum, Chad Sbragia, a former senior Pentagon official for China, said US participation in the event showed Washington was committed to the partnership.

“I think what it symbolically demonstrates to China, to the United States, and certainly to allies and partners globally, is that the United States is committed to listening, participating, engaging, and not being afraid to speak up,” Sbragia said.

Dong is responsible for China’s military diplomacy, but is not part of China’s main command body, the Central Military Commission.

He was appointed as an admiral in the Chinese navy in December following an anti-corruption drive in top ranks of the military.

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Last Update: September 13, 2024

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