KIEV, Sept 16 (Askume) – There were reports of an assassination attempt on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday.

      CNN, Fox News and The New York Times, citing unnamed law enforcement officials, identified Rouse, 58, of Hawaii , as the suspect. The FBI declined to comment and Askume could not independently confirm his identity.

      “Many other conflicts are ambiguous, but this conflict is definitely black and white. It’s about the struggle between good and evil,” Rouse said in an interview published by Newsweek Romania in June 2022. His comments suggest he was in Kiev at the time.

      Nearly four months after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine , Rouse believes the war is at a turning point and is calling for more international support.

      When Rouse was asked what he was doing in Ukraine, he said that his original goal was to come here and fight the war, but when the plan did not succeed and he was not accepted due to his age and lack of military experience, he started promoting it. . Waiting.

      “If the government doesn’t send in an official military, we citizens have to take up the torch and do the job. We have some great people here, but that number is a fraction of the number of people here,” Rouse said. “It should be.

      Askume could not independently verify his claims.

      Hundreds of non-Ukrainians are fighting Russian forces in Ukraine, and others are trying to recruit them.


      The International Army, where many of the fighters work, said it had no connection to Routh.

      “We would like to make it clear that Ryan Wesley Rouse has never participated in, been affiliated with, or had anything to do with the International Military in any capacity,” the group told Askume.

      Rouse also told Signal News in March 2023 that he tried to recruit US-trained Afghan fighters to fight for Ukraine against Russia, but the Kiev Defense Ministry said it would not agree to issue them visas.

      An official source in Kiev said authorities were investigating his role in Ukraine. The Defense Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on his claims.

      The Semaphore article describes Rouse as the director of the International Volunteer Center, which helps foreigners wishing to support Ukraine through military and humanitarian means.

      Contacted by Askume, Ian Netusky, the founder of a Ukrainian aid group of the same name, said Rouse had no connection to his NGO. He said there may be other unregistered groups or organisations using the same name.

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      uk, world,

      Last Update: September 16, 2024