MADRID, Sept 17 (Askume) – A former member of the defunct Basque separatist group ETA has been sentenced to 85 years in prison for his role in a car bomb attack in Madrid 24 years ago that injured 11 people, Spain’s high court said.

The court found Ana Belen Egües guilty of planting and detonating explosives in a stolen vehicle north of the Spanish capital on August 8, 2000.

“The explosion… affected a large number of people and severely disrupted their daily activities,” the ruling said.

The court, which hears all terrorism-related cases in Spain, sentenced Eggers to 15 years in prison for terrorist sabotage and 70 years for seven counts of attempted murder.

The blast injured 11 people, seven of them seriously.

Eggers, 55, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for another bombing in November 2001 that injured 97 people and killed a senior police officer, and 126 years for his role in the killing of an officer in January.

He was arrested soon after the 2001 attack.

In 2018, ETA (Euzkadi Ta Azkatasuna, or Basque Home and Freedom) announced it had completely demolished all of its buildings , ending a 50-year guerrilla war against the Spanish government that left 853 people dead, according to government figures.

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Last Update: September 17, 2024

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