COPENHAGEN, Sept 17 (Askume) – Scandinavian airline SAS said on Tuesday it has signed a long-term wet lease partnership with Braathens Regional Airways (BRA) to expand domestic air travel in Sweden.

“Under the terms of the wet lease agreement, BRA will operate a number of aircraft on behalf of SAS, providing capacity on Sweden’s main domestic routes and serving the Copenhagen hub,” the companies said in a statement.

He said the partnership with BRA will help SAS to meet domestic demand and optimise its operations and improve services across the region, ensuring better connectivity and more choices for passengers.

Sweden-based SAS announced in AugustChapter 11 proceedings were completed , over $2 billion in debt was restructured, the fleet was restructured and delisted, eliminating over 250,000 former owners in the process .

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aerospace-defense, business,

Last Update: September 17, 2024

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