SINGAPORE, Sept 20 (Askume) – Vietnam’s Binh Son Refining & Petrochemical Co has bought the first batch of Murban crude oil from the United Arab Emirates to diversify import sources for its Dung Quat refinery, two people familiar with the matter said on Friday.

    The 300,000-barrel cargo will be delivered in December, one of the sources said.

    This would be the refinery’s first foray into high-sulphur grades, he said. The plant typically processes sweet or unsweetened crude oil.

    The seller and price of the item are not yet known.

    The company, also known as BSR, declined to comment.

    The company said earlier this month that the Dung Quat refinery is currently processing 32 types of crude oil, including nine domestically produced crude oils and 23 imported crude oils.

    “Diversification of crude oil sources and blending with Bakkhu crude oil provides BSR the opportunity to purchase crude oil cheaper than domestic crude oil,” the company said in a statement.

    The refinery is said to have processed 100 million tonnes of crude oil since it began commercial operations in 2009.

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    business, energy,

    Last Update: September 20, 2024