NEW DELHI, Sept 19 (Askume) – China welcomes more Indian investments and goods entering the Chinese market and hopes India will provide a “good business environment” for Chinese companies in China, Beijing’s ambassador to India Xu Feihong said on Thursday.

The comments signal Beijing’s desire to forge deeper economic ties with New Delhi, which have been strained since a deadly clash between troops from the two countries on the Himalayan border in 2020.

In the wake of the conflict, India has closely monitored Chinese investment and created new red tape for Indian companies to engage with Chinese stakeholders. But the Indian government is now considering easing some of these restrictions as Indian companies work to increase manufacturing .

Ambassador Xu said at the event in New Delhi that China is also willing to strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with India and looks forward to India resuming direct flights and providing visa facilitations for Chinese citizens.

He said the Chinese welcome more Indian goods and investments from Indian companies. He further said, ‘I hope India will provide a good business environment for Chinese companies in India.’

China has remained the largest source of goods and the largest supplier of industrial products to India since last year. India’s trade deficit with China narrowed briefly after the border standoff, but is set to double to $85 billion by March 2024.

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asia, markets,

Last Update: September 20, 2024

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