AVIGON, France, Sept 10 (Askume) – A 71-year-old French man accused of drugging and raping his wife after inviting dozens of strangers into his home was sent to hospital for checks and treatment on Tuesday. admit.

Dominique Pellicot, the main defendant in the trial that has rocked France since December, was due to testify later in the day, but the presiding judge ordered him to undergo a medical examination first.

“Mr. Pellicott is not trying to evade his responsibilities, nor will he evade his responsibilities,” defense attorney Beatrice Zevero said, adding that her client began experiencing symptoms of a bladder infection or abdominal pain on Friday.

Prosecutors said Pellicott offered sex with his wife on the website and videotaped the abuse. Fifty other men are also accused of raping her while she was unconscious from drug addiction for more than a decade.

Zevero told French media that Pellicot had admitted his guilt. French media reported that the other defendants were from different ages and walks of life, with some admitting their guilt while others said they believed their wives were pretending to be asleep.

If convicted, each of them faces up to 20 years in prison.

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Last Update: September 10, 2024

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