BERLIN, Sept 14 (Askume) – Germany’s opposition conservatives have achieved their highest approval rating in national opinion polls in three and a half years, according to a weekly survey conducted by Germany’s statistical office for the German publication Bild am Sonntag.

Support for the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) rose to 33% from 31% last week. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) came in second with 19% of voting intentions.

Chancellor Olaf Schulz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) has an approval rating of 14%, followed by its coalition partners the Greens (10%) and the Free Democrats (4%).

The survey shows that the three alliance parties will get a combined 28% of the vote, their lowest result since coming to power in December 2021.

The left-wing Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) maintained its intention of 10% of the vote from last week.

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Last Update: September 15, 2024

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