WASHINGTON, Sept 12 (Askume) – Democratic U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is set to defeat Republican candidate Kamala Harris in the Nov. 5 presidential election.Trump leads 47% to 42% ; during subsequent debates with the former president, his advantage increased further, and voters generally considered him their supporter .

      The two-day survey showed Harris ahead among registered voters by 5 percentage points, slightly more than her lead over Trump in a Askume/Ipsos survey from Aug. 21 to 28 of 4 percentage points.

      Among voters who said they had at least heard about Tuesday’s debate, 53% said Harris won, 24% said Trump won, and the remainder said nothing or did not answer. About 52% of those familiar with the debate said Trump was incoherent and appeared insensitive, while 21% said the same was true of Harris. Among Republican voters, about one in five said Trump did not appear sharp.

      Harris, 59, put Trump, 78, on the defensive during a heated presidential debate, launching a series of attacks on his qualifications and numerous legal problems and highlighting Trump’s conviction for falsifying a felony business record. About 52% of voters familiar with the debate said Harris is “morally superior,” while 29% said the same about Trump.

      Many Republicans were also not convinced by their candidates’ performances in the Philadelphia debate. About 53% of Republican voters in the survey believed Trump won the debate, while 91% of Democratic voters believed she was the winner. Among Republicans, 31% said no one won and 14% said Harris beat Trump.

      In the survey, 91% of registered voters said they listened to at least some of the debate, and 44% said they listened to a lot. The debate, hosted by ABC News, was tuned in by 67.1 million television viewers, more than the roughly 51 million who watched Trump’s debate with then-candidate President Joe Biden in June, according to Nielsen data.

      Biden’s disastrous performance in that debate led to widespread calls from the 81-year-old leader’s fellow Democrats for him to abandon his re-election bid, which he did in July. Now, Trump is the oldest candidate in the race, and the poll found that 52% of voters think Trump is too old to serve in government, while Harris thinks the same, at 7%.

      Voters generally rate Harris better than Trump when it comes to demeanor. When asked which of the two seems more respectful, 56% of informed voters chose Harris, while 24% chose Trump. Forty-nine percent said Harris “seems like someone who would listen to me and understand my concerns,” while 18 percent viewed Trump that way.

      The poll surveyed 1,690 American adults nationwide, including 1,405 registered voters. For registered voters, its margin of error is about three percentage points.

      While national surveys, including the Askume/Ipsos poll, provide important indications about voters’ views, state-by-state results in the Electoral College determine the winner, with a few battleground states likely to be decisive.

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      Last Update: September 12, 2024