WASHINGTON, Sept 10 (Askume) – Donald Trump plans to win a second four-year term in the White House in November’s presidential election by deporting millions of immigrants and threatening global trade with heavy tariffs that will reshape the government and pack it with loyalists .

Here are some of the policies Trump has promised to implement:


Republican Trump has floated the idea of ​​imposing tariffs of 10% or more on all goods imported into the United States. He says this would eliminate the trade deficit, but critics say it would raise prices for American consumers and destabilize the global economy.

He also said he should have the power to impose higher tariffs on countries that impose tariffs on US imports. HeThreatening to impose 200% tariffs on certain imported cars .

Trump specifically targeted China. He proposed phasing out imports of goods such as electronics, steel and pharmaceuticals from China within four years. He wants to prevent Chinese companies from owning US real estate and infrastructure in the energy and technology sectors.

Federal bureaucracy

Trump will try to dismantle the “deep state” – career federal employees he says are secretly pushing their own agenda – with an executive order that would reclassify thousands of employees so they can be fired. It could be challenged in court. He vowed to remove corrupt elements from national security positions and “root out” his political opponents.

Trump has said he would require every federal employee to pass a new civil service exam he created, though his actual authority to do so is limited. Close allies are also vetting potential appointees who can be trusted to implement his policies, with Trump suggesting they should stick to their belief that the 2020 election was fraudulent.

Trump will create an independent government efficiency panel headed by billionaire backer Elon Musk to eliminate waste in the federal government. He did not elaborate on how the agency would work but said a plan would be developed to eliminate “fraud and improper payments” within six months of its establishment.

He would crack down on federal informants, who are usually protected by law, and create an independent agency to “oversee” US intelligence agencies.

Investigate the enemy

Trump has repeatedly promised to use federal law enforcement agencies to investigate his political opponents, including election officials, lawyers and party donors.

Similarly, Trump said he would consider appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Democratic President Joe Biden , though he did not specify the basis for the investigation.

He also said the Justice Department would investigate district attorneys on new civil rights grounds and argued that some district attorneys had violated the Constitution by engaging in selective enforcement.

He also said he would consider firing a U.S. attorney who failed to comply with his instructions – which would go against long-standing U.S. policy of establishing independent federal law enforcement agencies.

Trump allies are developing a plan that would limit the Justice Department’s independence and include more political appointees loyal to the president.


Trump has promised to issue a national emergency declaration to increase domestic energy supplies by removing bureaucratic barriers that hinder new energy projects.

Trump has vowed to increase U.S. fossil fuel production by easing the permitting process for drilling on federal lands and will encourage the construction of new natural gas pipelines. He said he would reauthorize oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

He said he would once again withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, a framework for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, and would support increased nuclear power generation. He would also back Biden’s electric vehicle mandate and other policies aimed at reducing vehicle emissions.


In addition to his trade and energy agenda, Trump has promised to cut federal regulations, which he says limit job creation. He has promised to maintain the sweeping tax cuts he signed during his 2017 term, and his economic team has discussed another round of individual and corporate tax cuts in addition to those enacted during his first term.

Trump has promised to reduce the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% for companies that make products in the United States.

Trump said he would seek legislation to eliminate the tip tax on service workers . He also said that as president he would pressure the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates.

He promised to create an American “sovereign wealth fund” to invest in large-scale projects such as highways and airports.

He promised not to cut Medicare or Social Security benefits or raise the eligibility age.

Trump said he would end Democratic efforts to regulate cryptocurrencies and protect the rights to miner bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency.


Trump has vowed to reinstate first-term policies targeting illegal border crossings, roll back Biden’s immigration measures and push for new restrictions.

Trump’s pledge to limit asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border and launch the largest deportations in American history is likely to face legal challenges and opposition from congressional Democrats.

He said he would seek help from the National Guard and, if necessary, federal troops to achieve his goals and did not rule out the possibility of setting up detention camps to handle deportations.

Trump has said he wants to end automatic citizenship for children born to immigrants, a move that would violate a long-standing interpretation of the US Constitution.

He said he would reinstate the so-called “travel ban” that bars people from Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.


Trump appointed three justices to the US Supreme Court who were part of the majority that struck down constitutional protections for abortion. He may continue to appoint federal judges who uphold abortion restrictions.

Additionally, he said federal abortion restrictions are unnecessary and that the issue should be addressed at the state level. He believes the six-week ban supported by some Republicans is too stringent and that any law should include exceptions for rape, incest, and the mother’s health.

Still, Trump said states could monitor women’s pregnancies if they wanted and prosecute them if they carried them longer than allowed.

Trump said he would not try to limit the use of the abortion drug mifepristone after the US Supreme Court rejected a petition challenging the government’s approach to regulating the drug .

He supports policies that promote in vitro fertilization, birth control, and prenatal care.


Trump has been critical of US support for Ukraine in its war with Russia and has said he could end the war within 24 hours if elected, though he has not specified how he would end it.

Trump also said that during his term as president, the United States would “fundamentally rethink the purpose of NATO and the mission of NATO.” Although he has offered few specific policy proposals, he told Askume in an interview last year that Ukraine might have to give up some territory in order to reach a peace deal.

Trump has opposed a $61 billion aid package to Ukraine for months, and some Republicans in Congress have refused to support it. Congress ultimately approved the plan in late April, and Trump has since said that Ukraine’s security is a vital US interest.

Trump supported Israel’s fight against Hamas but criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s early management of the conflict. During the campaign, he also proposed sending armed forces to Mexico to fight drug cartels and using the U.S. Navy to set up a blockade to prevent the smuggling of fentanyl and its precursors.

trumpThere is a proposal to build an “Iron Dome” – a massive missile defense shield – over the entire continental United States.


Trump pledged to mandate colleges and universities to “protect American heritage and Western civilization” and exempt them from diversity programs. He said he would direct the Justice Department to bring civil rights lawsuits against schools that engage in racial discrimination.

At the K-12 level, Trump would support a plan to allow parents to use public funds for private or religious education.


Trump said he would impose the death penalty on human traffickers and drug dealers. He said he did not believe federal data showing violent crime was declining in American cities.

He expressed that hePardons will be considered for all those convicted of the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.


Trump has promised to open some federal lands to mass housing construction in areas where there will be “much lower taxes and much fewer regulations.”

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Last Update: September 10, 2024