Askume WASHINGTON, Sep 19 – The U.S. Senate will draw up a temporary spending bill, Senate Democratic leader Schumer said on Thursday.To avoid a partial government shutdown later this month .

      “Congress is not short on time right now,” Schumer said on the Senate floor, adding that House members would spend the next few days working to reach a deal that both Republicans and Democrats can support.

      To avoid furloughing thousands of federal workers and prevent an election on Nov. 5, Congress must pass spending legislation before the new fiscal year begins on Oct. 1.

      A bill to extend funding by six months and make controversial changes to election laws, which faced Democratic opposition, failed in the Republican-controlled House on Wednesday . House Speaker Mike Johnson said after that vote that he would try another approach, without elaborating.

      The two sides also disagree on how long the temporary funding should be extended. Johnson has advocated for a six-month extension to postpone the issue until next spring, when his Republicans are likely to control both the White House and Congress.

      Democrats are pushing for a brief three-month extension that would require Congress to take up the issue before the end of the year, when Democratic President Joe Biden remains in the White House and Democrats still control the Senate.

      A long-term extension of the current $1.2 trillion funding program would also hamper government operations by preventing agencies like the Defense Department from starting new programs.

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      Last Update: September 19, 2024