DUBAI/CAIRO, Sept 9 (Askume) – The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces attacked the southeastern Sudanese city of Sennar on Sunday, killing at least 31 people and wounding 100 others, a legal activist group said.

Emergency lawyers who monitor civilian deaths and other humanitarian violations said parts of the city, including the main market, were targeted by Médecins Sans Frontières fire.

Médecins Sans Frontières, which already controls Sennar and at least half the country, has slowed its advance in the southeast as heavy rains make movement difficult.

The war against the Sudanese army has led to one of the world’s worst hunger and internal displacement problems, killing thousands of civilians and destroying much of Sudan’s infrastructure and economy.

Emergency lawyers said at least four people were killed in airstrikes by the army on the town of Suchi, near Sennar. One person was killed and 17 others injured in MSF shelling in al-Obeid, another town where the army is struggling to gain full control.

The UN-mandated mission said on Friday that both sides in Sudan’s 18-month-long civil war have committed violations that could amount to war crimes . The delegation called for the deployment of peacekeepers and a nationwide arms embargo.

On Saturday, Sudan’s military-allied foreign ministry rejected both proposals, saying the idea of ​​international peacekeepers was “a wish of Sudan’s enemies and will not be realised”.

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Last Update: September 10, 2024

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