WASHINGTON, Sept 17 (Askume) – U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday called on Sudan’s warring parties to resume talks to end more than 17 months of war.

“For the sake of the future of Sudan and all Sudanese people, we call on all parties to the conflict to cease violence and refrain from inciting violence,” Biden said in a statement.

“I urge all parties responsible for the suffering in Sudan – the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Response Force (RSF) – to withdraw their troops, facilitate unhindered access for humanitarian assistance, and work to re-engage in dialogue.”

More than 12,000 people have been killed in Sudan since the war broke out on April 15, 2023 .

The conflict began as a rivalry between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), who had shared power following an earlier coup, which later escalated into open warfare.

Biden said MSF’s attacks were causing great harm to Sudanese civilians and called on the armed forces to stop “indiscriminate” bombings that were causing harm to civilian lives and infrastructure.

The United States had previously determined that both sides had committed war crimes and imposed sanctions on 16 war-related individuals and entities.

Biden said the United States would continue to evaluate further allegations of torture and possible additional sanctions.

(Paragraph 4 of this article has been revised to put the death toll at over 12,000)

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Last Update: September 18, 2024

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